Friday, August 05, 2005

T-link or T-coil for phone

I am in heaven!!!! My great audie has really hooked me up this time! (Susie, thank you so much for this latest find). I have been talking on the phone and doing ok but I have to use a head-set or speaker phone and then I have it so loud that everyone can hear my conversation. The weight of the head-set causes my ci hook to cut into my ear and that hurts. Well no more!! I now have a silhouette t-coil with mic that sends the voice right into my ear (head). I am still learning to hear and some people are harder that others, but with time I know I will be successful with all voice types.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Susie, this is Laurie and it is the month of December. I miss you girl! But I know you have been busy with school and all. Have a Happy Holiday Season! Love you! Laurie