Saturday, April 14, 2007

I have my dream job!

I am working and loving it! I got a job as the allergy nurse at one of two doctors in our area who does cochlear implants. There is one that does pediatrics and one that does both, I work for the later. I do allergy testing and give allergy shots. When they have a ci candidate they often use me as their ci "show and tell".
I have met so many patients who are hearing impaired, have Meniere's disease or have a cochlear implant. I feel so called to be there. There was one day I was so tired and thinking - working just wasn't "all that". When the surgeon came to me and asked if i would speak with a new candidate. The patient and I talked; he was so happy and excited to have some hope. I felt so alive and blessed to be giving back.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hello Girlfriend! You are a blessing to me and others!
